Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Moroccan-Style Chickpea Soup

This soup is filling, tasty, unique, and easy. Don't leave out the lemons, they make it.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Multigrain Bread

I love this bread. It's one of the first I successfully made. It's pretty, and I feel good eating it. (Also: "Good toast. *crunch*". I can't say good toast without thinking of Nacho Libre.) My mom started making this bread out of Peter Reinhart's book The Bread Baker's Apprentice, then she taught me. The recipe below is for one loaf.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chicken Soup

Big Bowl Asian Chicken Soup

As requested by Cabbage Boy, here is the recipe for this soup.


Chinese Cabbage
Mushrooms ( whatever kind you want)
Sesame Oil
Soy Sauce
Red Chili Flakes

1. Place cubed chicken and sliced mushrooms in a bowl with soy sauce (1-3 tbs. to start). Let it marinate a while in the soy sauce.
2. Heat sesame oil and sauté garlic in the hot oil. Place chicken/mushroom mixture in and cook until the chicken is no longer raw. Add chili flakes. I put about 1/2 tsp. and it made about a 5 out of 10 spiciness rating according to Alexis.
3. Add broth and bring to boil. (i put in about 3-4 cups of broth or it depends on how much liquid you want. Add vinegar about 1 tbs. ( I learned when you add vinegar to things do not stir it right away. Let it cook first. According to the Filipino that told me this it lets the sourness cook out a bit. Soy sauce and vinegar is the ket components to Adobo as well).
4. Let the soup simmer for a bit and then add cabbage.
5. Add cilantro and taste. You may need to add soy sauce, sesame oil, chili flakes, or vinegar to achieve a nice nutty tangy flavor. The broth should be a dark nutty brown color that becomes lighter when spooned up.

Fresh Eggs

They have such pretty colors, the picture doesn't even do it justice.
Maybe someday I'll have my own chickens.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tikka Masala

I get so excited when I make something new. And it's even better when it tastes really good. Yes.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


The first time I had Lugaw was from this little cart on the side of the road in the Philippines. It was after a long day and my companion and I were headed home. We usually ate around 9 or 10 at night after we had finished teaching. I saw this little cart and thought, "lets eat this instead of cooking". It was amazing! You add kalamansi (lime), fish sauce, some hot pepper vinegar, and then enjoy.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Love Oatmeal. This one has pecans (I like them toasted), raisins, cocoa nibs, goji berries, and honey. I think maybe I am posting it mostly because I like the picture... and sitting in the sun in the mornings with my oatmeal. Featuring: Joe Bennion bowl.